Dick Tracy

“Masterful physical comedy”

~ The Argus


There’s been a series of high-profile crimes right across the city - but fear not! The police chief’s put his best man on the job - Dick Tracy. It’s not down to the square-jawed, hard-hitting, fast-shooting comic book detective to solve the crime the only way he knows how…the crime solving way…

Will Tracy be able to save the day, get the girl and get to the bottom of who’s causing the mayhem? Or perhaps the truth is closer than he thinks.

Teaming up with one of the UK’s funniest comedy directors, John Nicholson (Peepolykus, BBC Radio 4), Le Navet Bete’s Dick Tracy is a physical comedy influenced by the world-famous detective incorporating fooling, original live music, plenty of audience interaction, lightning quick character changes, incredible authentic accents spattered with mystery, malice and mischief.

Dick Tracy promises to have the bad guys in handcuffs and the audience in stitches!

This show has been supported by Arts Council England.

Dick Tracy was first performed on Wednesday 1st April 2015 at the Exeter Phoenix, Exeter, Devon, UK.

Show Trailer

Audience Age

7 +

Creative & Production Team

Producers - Le Navet Bete

Writers - Le Navet Bete and John Nicholson 

Cast - Le Navet Bete

Director - John Nicholson

Set Designer - Phil Eddolls

Costume Designer - Sarah Dicks

Composer - Le Navet Bete

Sound Designer - Pete Storer

Lighting Designer - Alex Best

Fight Choreographer - Peter Clifford

Production & Technical Manager - Alex Best

Graphic Designer & Animator - Dave Robertson

Promo Photographer & Film Editor - Chris Jones 

Production Photographer - Mark Dawson




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