Access Info

At Le Navet Bete we are hugely committed to making sure that our performances are an inclusive experience, providing more and more accessible shows wherever and whenever we’re able to, ensuring that everyone can fully engage with and enjoy our unique brand of hilarious physical comedy.

BSL Interpreted & Captioned Shows

For a number of years we have worked alongside various British Sign Language interpreters to open our performances up to d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing audiences. Alongside the theatres we tour to, we aim to provide this inclusive experience to reach a wider audience making the work more accessible for people of all ages to enjoy and engage with the dialogue and comedy throughout the performance.

During the creation of King Arthur, we worked specifically with a BSL interpreter, Laura Goulden, who we integrated into the actual performance so she signs the show right alongside us. This enables us to provide a more immersive and richer experience for our d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing audiences as she is directly in the heart of the action on stage, in costume, interacting with us in an often hilarious way! We aim to provide the Integrated BSL Interpreted shows as and where possible throughout the King Arthur tour.

We have also offered captioned performances, where text is displayed on screens to convey dialogue, sound effects and other audio information. Captioned performances are particularly beneficial for those who rely on written text to understand spoken content.

Please see some accessible material that we have used and currently use for our BSL interpreted shows below.

King Arthur BSL Flyer

Treasure Island BSL Flyer

A Christmas Carol BSL Flyer

Audio Described Shows & Touch Tours

As well as providing BSL Interpreted shows we also provide Audio Described shows for Blind and Visually Impaired audience members, as and where possible over the course of our touring.

This involves a live narrative that describes the visual elements of the performance, such as actions, costumes, set and other important visual information, allowing Blind and Visually Impaired audience members to enjoy the visual storytelling along with the spoken text.

Alongside the audio description whilst watching the show, we aim to provide an audio introduction so listeners can get an understanding of the basic plot and set, costume and character descriptions. Currently we are working alongside audio describer Alexa Ledecky who brings their expertise to enhance the experience for those partaking in the audio described performances.

We also strive to provide Touch Tours where Blind and Visually Impaired audience members attending the shows are able to experience a meet and greet with us and the crew and get to come onto the stage to feel their way around the set, costumes and various props. This is a great way to connect physically with the show and enhances their understanding and enjoyment of the show.

Please see some accessible material that we have used and currently use for our Audio Described shows below.

King Arthur Audio Described Live Trailer

King Arthur Audio Described Promo Trailer

King Arthur Audio Described Introduction