"What Le Navet Bete does, and with such conviction, is persuade us that theatre is not an elite activity. It can, and should be, for everyone."

- ReviewsHub

Hello and welcome to the world of Le Navet Bete!

We are one of the UK's leading touring physical comedy theatre companies, proudly based in Exeter, Devon, UK since 2008. Our mission is to create and tour hilarious, physical and totally chaotic comedy theatre using creative and engaging storytelling for absolutely everyone (ages 5 - 105!) throughout the UK and internationally.

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Upcoming Licensed Shows

As well as watching us perform our various shows, you can book tickets to see other companies put on their own versions of our work across the UK and internationally. Here are a few of the upcoming professionally licensed shows.

Perform Our Shows

A number of our very own shows are available for amateur and professional license. Click below to find out more!